
Sapporo Zig-Zag Squares 20th Anniversary
Guest Caller: Vic Ceder from Cal. USA
《 招待コーラー:吉村元宏 》◎ 期日 : 平成24年 (2012年)11月17日(土)13:00~19:00(20:00~20周年祝賀夕食会)
18日(日) 9:00~12:00(昼食)13:00~15:30
◎ 会場 : 札幌第一ホテル(札幌市中央区南7条西1丁目Tel : 011-530-1101
◎ レベル: A 2 (☆C1) と C1 (☆C2) の2会場…【A2会場での合同タイムもあります】
◎ 期日 : 平成24年 (2012年)11月16日(金)13:00~19:00
◎ .場 : 札幌第一...(札幌市中央.南7.西1丁目Tel : 011-530-1101
◎ ...: C2 & C3
◎ 定員 : 100名限定 (....場......都合上、快適.踊......為)
◎ 申.. 宛先:〒063-0834 札幌市西..寒14.3丁目3-1-508
山口 信. Tel & Fax :011-664-1579 E-mail : spbg6c89@drive.ocn.ne.jp

更詳細訊息請洽: emytaipei@yahoo.com.tw 成功社團王理事

1 則留言:

  1. 日方來函~
    ① We, Japanese dancers, usually wear square dance dress at parties.
    In A2 or C dance parties, however, ladies don't wear rather short skirts
    and large paniers like in MS parties, which spread skirts too wide. And,
    ladies don' t wear casual dress such as jeans and t-shirts. You can
    choose your own dress which you think is suitable for the party

    ② Please pay 15,000 yen for a non-dancer, maybe your friend's husband. We made a contrack with the hotel that we will pay 15,000 yen per person, which includes one-night stay, 3 meals (include Celebrating Dinner), and two large dance ball rooms charges.

    I understand that your friends hesitate about joining our 20th Anniversary
    almost one year ahead. So you don't have to apologize to me. There are
    so many hotels around Daiichi Hotel, and so, even after our 100 dancers
    limit is over, you can stay a hotel near the Hotel and attend our event as a
    one-day entry for two days for 12,000 yen. In such cases, please let me
    know. I will reserve a hotel for them.
    Zig-zag Squares Hiroshi Fukui
